Japanese violinist Mayuko Kamio*, the gold medalist of the 2007 International Tchaikovsky Competition, is widely praised for her luxurious silken tone, long expressive phrasing and virtuoso techniques. The New York Times has called Ms. Kamio an "exciting young musician" and "a radiant talent." Ms. Kamio made her concerto debut in Tokyo at the age of ten under the baton of Charles Dutoit, in a concert broadcast on NHK television. Since then, she has appeared as soloist with the Boston Pops conducted by Keith Lockhart, the Tonhalle Orchestra in Zurich with Mstislav Rostropovich, and the Israel Philharmonic under Zubin Mehta.
She has toured with the National Philharmonic of Russia conducted by Vladimir Spivakov, the Budapest Festival Orchestra under Ivan Fischer, the Munich Philharmonic under Zubin Mehta, the Prague Philharmonic, the BBC Philharmonic, Israel Philharmonic, the Oviedo Symphony Orchestra of Spain; and appeared in Japan as soloist with the Tokyo, Hiroshima, Kyoto, NHK, Osaka, Sapporo and Yomiuri Nippon symphony orchestras; and the Japan, Tokyo and Tokyo City philharmonics.
Recently she toured with Israel Philharmonic under Ludovic Morlot, the South America with the Munich Philharmonic under Zubin Mehta, and Japan with the German SWR Symphony Orchestra under François-Xavier Roth. Other recent orchestral highlights include appearances with the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Jiri Belohlavek, Budapest Festival Orchestra under Ivan Fischer, NHK Symphony Orchestra under Vladimir Ashkenazy, Israel Philharmonic under Yaron Traub, Calgary Philharmonic under Roberto Minczuk and Colorado Springs Philharmonic under Carl St. Clair. As a recitalist, she has performed in such major cities as New York, Washington DC, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Frankfurt, Warsaw, and Tokyo.
As a winner of the 1998 Menuhin International Violin Competition, the youngest artist ever to win the award, Ms. Kamio performed with the Orchestra National de Lille with Lord Menuhin conducting. In 2000 she took first prize in the Young Concert Artists International Auditions, and in 2004 she won the first Monte Carlo Violin Masters Competition. As part of this award, she made concerto appearances at the Salle Gaveau in Paris with the Orchestra of the Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris conducted by Jean- Michel Durand, and in Monte Carlo with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Monaco, conducted by Eliahu Inbal. That same year, she was awarded the gold medal at the first International David Oistrakh Violin Competition in Ukraine.
She has released four recordings on the SONY and BMG labels, a sonata recording of Franck, Brahms and Strauss, a concerto recording of Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev Concerti, a collection of violin solo works with piano of Chausson, Stravinsky, Szymanowski, Waxman and Paganini's 24 Caprices for Solo Violin.
Ms. Kamio was born in Osaka, Japan in 1986, and began to play the violin at the age of four. Her early teachers were Chikako Satoya, Machie Oguri and Chihiro Kudo, and she worked with Koichiro Harada at the Toho Gakuen School of Music. She studied in the U.S. with Dorothy DeLay and Masao Kawasaki at the Aspen Music Festival and the pre- college division of The Juilliard School. She completed artist's diploma studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Zurich, where she worked with Zakhar Bron. Ms. Kamio received a grant from the Bagby Foundation for the Musical Arts, and is a recipient of the prestigious Idemitsu Music Award. Mayuko Kamio plays on the 1735 "Sennhauser" made by Joseph Guarneri del Gesu, kindly offered by the Strad Society in Chicago.
*[pronounced My-YOU-ko KA-me-o]
4歳よりヴァイオリンをはじめる。2007年に第13回チャイコフスキー国際コンクールで優勝し、 世界中の注目を浴びた。ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙でも「聴く者を魅了する若手演奏家」「輝く ばかりの才能」と絶賛される。 これまで、国内の主要オーケストラはもとより、チューリッヒ・トーンハレ管弦楽団、ロシア・ ナショナル・フィルハーモニー交響楽団、ボストン・ポップス・オーケストラ、BBC交響楽団、 BBCフィルハーモニック、ブダペスト祝祭管弦楽団、バイエルン州立歌劇場管弦楽団、ワルシャワ 国立フィルハーモニー管弦楽団などと共演。指揮者では、シャルル・デュトワ、ムスティスラフ・ ロストロポーヴィチ、エリアフ・インバル、ウラディーミル・スピヴァコフ、ウラディーミル・ア シュケナージ、イルジー・ビェロフラーヴェク、アントニ・ヴィット、イヴァン・フィッシャー、 パブロ・ヘラス=カサドなどと共演している。 最近では、ズービン・メータ指揮ミュンヘン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団と南米ツアー、フランソ ワ=グザヴィエ・ロト指揮南西ドイツ放送交響楽団と日本ツアー、ルドヴィク・モルロー指揮イス ラエル・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団とイスラエルツアーを行った。 サン・モリッツ、コルマール、ヴェルビエなどの著名フェスティバルにも出演。また、ソリストと して、ニューヨーク、ワシントン、サンクトペテルブルグ、モスクワ、フランクフルト、ミラノな どでリサイタルを行っている。 レコーディングではRCA Red Sealレーベルより「パガニーニ:24のカプリース」「チャイコフ スキー:ヴァイオリン協奏曲」をリリースしており、2012年秋にはフランク、ブラームス、シュ トラウスを収めたCD「ロマンティック・ソナタ」をリリースした。 これまで里屋智佳子、小栗まち絵、工藤千博、原田幸一郎、ドロシー・ディレイ、川崎雅夫、ザハー ル・ブロンの各氏に師事。 大阪府知事賞、京都府知事賞、第13回出光音楽賞、文化庁長官表彰、ホテルオークラ音楽賞はじ め数々の賞を受賞している。
“Kamio performed the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with meticulous care, generating a gorgeous and rich tone throughout the piece. She effortlessly created fortissimos and excelled in bringing the volume down to super soft pianissimos. Her quiet playing during the big cadenza in the first movement was almost drowned out by the pounding rain on the roof.”
“[Kamio] articulated every phrase with great delicacy but it was clear her heart was in it, and her playing had an impromptu feel. The cadenza to the first movement ended in a stunning double-stop passage, then melted smoothly and flawlessly back into the main theme. The Adagio had heart-melting romance and the last movement had both grace and guts. The crowd loved it and let her know”
Dispeker Artists, Inc.
174 West 4th Street
Suite 109
New York, NY 10014
Phone: (212) 421-7676
Fax: (212) 935-3279
6-4-1 Ginza
Chuoku, Tokyo